Moses Adams, Jr. interviewed by Rita Reyes and Kaylene McCoy-MosleyIn this interview, Texas Southern art alumnus Moses Adams, Jr. discusses his experiences as a student in the class of 1969. He found his undergraduate courses challenging because he did not have a deep background in art and the TSU faculty had high standards. Adams created a sprawling, abstract mural reflecting on drug addiction and urban decay.
Kermit Oliver interviewed by Dr. Alvia J. WardlawIn this interview, Texas Southern art alumnus Kermit Oliver discusses his time at Texas Southern (1962-1967) and his artistic philosophy & practice with Dr. Alvia J. Wardlaw, director and curator of the University Museum. He highlights the religious, personal, historical, and political influences that shape his artwork.
Luther H. FosterBlack and white image of Tuskegee University's 4th President Luther H. Foster
Benjamin F. PaytonA black and white image of Tuskegee University's 5th President Benjamin F. Payton
Frederick D. PattersonA black and white image of Tuskegee University's 3rd President Frederick D. Patterson
Robert R. MotonA black and white image of Tuskegee University's 2nd President Robert R. Motor
Monroe WorkA black and white image of a older Monroe Nathan Work
Carpentry DivisionA black and white image of students learning carpentry.
Students Producing Canned GoodsA black and white image of female students learning how to preserve food in cans.
Original Chapel BuildingA black and white image of the original Chapel building created by Robert R. Taylor
Ulifting the Veil of Ignorance,A colored image of the Booker T. Washington Monument
Booker T. Washington By BedouA black and white image of Booker T. Washington speaking at a rally in New Orleans, Louisiana by A. P. Bedou
Lynching of a unknown black male.A black and white image of a lynched black male being surrounded by the crowd.
Airmen Pruitt, WendellA black and white image of Tuskegee Airmen Wendell Pruitt and a unknown man.
New Chapel BuildingA colored image of a Tuskegee student riding a bike in front of the New Chapel Building.
Students in Printing ShopA black and white image of students in a print shop.
Anderson and RooseveltA black and white image of Charles A. "Chief" Anderson and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt in a airplane before takeoff.
Booker T. Washington & Theodore RooseveltA black and white image of Booker T. Washington and Theodore Roosevelt at a rally.
2 Students Working at PlannerBlack and white image of male students learning how to operate a planner.
Henry Ford and George Washington Carver in his LabGeorge Washington Carver showing Henry Ford his laboratory.
George Washington Carver Picking FlowersA black and white image of George Washington Carver observing flowers.
1908 StudentsA black and white photo of a group male Tuskegee students.
Laura NelsonA photo showing the deceased Laura Nelson.
Airmen-Davis, BenjaminA black and white image of Tuskegee Airmen Benjamin Davis.
Booker T. WashingtonAn image of the first principle of Tuskegee Institute and educator Booker T. Washington