TSU Hannah Hall Murals

Item set

TSU Hannah Hall Murals
Collection of murals inside of Texas Southern University's Hannah Hall
Various TSU students
Date Created


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  • [unknown]
    very narrow space, greenish blue, one figure with heavy cross hatching, moon in background - some damage
  • [unknown]
    depiction of civil rights over time, Thurgood Marshall, Justice Earl Warren, school desegregation, children playing, importance of educational uplift - no damage
  • [unknown]
    included the military escort for school integration, flag, church, shotgun house in background, lots of fold in clothing (painting style) - some damage (top of staircase)
  • [unknown]
    geometric human figures, trumpet, saxophone, worship scene, possibility of woman with cloth on heads, partially covered face, various blocks of cool colors - no damage
  • [unknown]
    two children being hugged by large figure, all wearing colorful and textured clothing, moon in background - no damage
  • Fire Fighters
    red hues and crosshatching, includes feet and legs (above staircase doors) heavy damage
  • [unknown]
    moon/sun, book with rays of light coming out, hammer and sword, a balance, a geometric pattern and there are angels wings included - no damage
  • [unknown]
    stingrays with dessert, mountain, underwater scene possibly, dripping paint style possible water damage - possibly unfinished
  • [unknown]
    geometric with vibrant colors, there are three scenes, surrealist, includes shotgun house, church, school and references to laundry and clothes - no damage
  • [unknown]
    uses blue and dark hues, outstretched hand and three faces/bodies- no damage
  • [unknown]
    green and dark hues, swamp with rave, butterfly and lotus flower, sickly figures appear to be fleeing from something (separated by several doorways and cutouts)
  • Katrina Jazz
    Green fled New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina and then became a Texas Southern art student. His mural’s quintessentially New Orleans themes are linked by floodwaters running throughout the composition. It features baby Moses about to be floated down the Nile, enslaved people at a market, the Creole river goddess Mami Wata, and the Superdome.
  • [unknown]
    layered images included newspaper from 3010 and apocalyptic and spirit released from jar, blue, white and black colors (above stairway door) - heavy damage
  • [unknown]
    possibly unfinished, includes a church, cemetery, arms that morph into a street, education, progression of life and Christian motifs - no damage
  • [unknown]
    possibly unfinished, includes a church, cemetery, arms that morph into a street, importance of education, progression of life and Christian motifs - no damage
  • [unknown]
    similar style to #44, textured bodies, everything is fluid and in motion, yin and yang on top and opening on bottom - heavy damage (left of staircase when walking up stairs
  • [unknown]
    three black female figures, flowers and picnic blanket, city scene and car, old woman in headwrap (ancestor?), curtains around opening of stair window - no damage
  • [unknown]
    Tiger Walk in front Sterling Student Life Center, use of bright colors, there are trees with fraternity and sorority symbols painted on them, Greek life mascots - water damage
  • [unknown]
    tree people/nature scene, colorful plants that are morphing into faces, unfinished (side of staircase when ascending up stairs) - unfinished
  • [unknown]
    Black Jesus, some biblical scenes, Exodus, pouring down water to community - no damage
  • [unknown]
    four men, learning and science, sun and star coming through, animals/farm in background - some damage and graffiti
  • [unknown]
    trees are now chopped down, separated from 42a by mural #43 (damaged)
  • [unknown]
    forest with light coming from left - heavy damage (possibly unfinished)
  • The History of the Negro in Education
    Washington’s mural shows a timeline of Black education from left to right. On the left side of the mural, he depicts slavery and lynching above enslaved people secretly reading. In the center, girls write “Emancipation Proclamation;” next, Booker T. Washington delivers his "Atlanta Compromise" speech. The right shows emerging Black professionals.
  • [unknown]
    nightlife scene, worship, longhorn, two houses, two prominent male figures - (right of doorway when ascending stairs) heavy damage