MS_0001_Rosewood Papers

Item set

MS_0001_Rosewood Papers
Alternative Title
The Rosewood Collection
The Rosewood Collection, 1920
The records and materials in this collection were transferred from the Florida Department of State and arrived at the Black Archives in May 1996 in excellent condition. Because the records were fairly new, they were in good condition in regard to insect, hardware or environmental damages. There was some original order to the collection which the archivist tried maintaining during the survey and cataloging process. Where possible, items remained in their original folders. However, those folders were placed in acid-free folders and boxes. Using original subheadings, the materials were then grouped by subject and material type and filed in alphabetical and chronological. Due to a shortage of staff and time, the last five boxes, non-payee and payee files, were described to the boxes, and the collection was stored temporarily at the Black Archives' 103 Howard Hall location.
Date Valid
The collection consists of thirteen boxes and were fairly new when they arrived. The types of records in this collection include: affidavits, family genealogies, legal correspondence, legislative bills, magazine and newspaper articles, property records, cassette and video tapes, tape transcripts and documented reports. Major sub-sections include: administrative files, investigator files, non payee and payee files. Additionally, a large portion of the collection is comprised of outgoing correspondence, family genealogies, oral histories and official reports.
Access Rights
Elona M. Jones


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