TSU Permanent Collection 2D Items

Item set

TSU Permanent Collection 2D Items
2D items within the permanent art collection of Texas Southern University, includes student work and Hannah Hall murals
Various TSU student and professors, as well as outside artists
Date Created
1950 - present


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  • Dog in Meadow
    Dog resting in tall grass, oversized bird pictured perched above, yellowing - original etching 67/100
  • [unknown]
    Obama portrait with curtain in background, red, white and blue colors
  • [unknown]
    Snail with pictured in log, interior of snail’s shell shows a nighttime scene with tunneling insects - no damage
  • Storytelling
    Elder man sitting on a rocking chair speaking to three children, appears to be at night time with shading of very warm/dark colors. Minimal damage
  • Self-Portrait
    Artist pictured in an African-print shirt, the bottom of the shirt has a field and trees, with clasps shaped like human-figure carvings. Single feather floating above head with cool and warm tones used for background.
  • [unknown]
    Woman with eyes closed, holding baby in a blanket, seated on a stool muted background, warm orange/brown tones used for clothing - same style as #2 - water damage
  • [unknown]
    Back view of person with folded head wrap, greyscale, yellowing of paper
  • [unknown]
    Crow to the left with dripping blood in front of spider web, folded dollar bill caught in web, young child in center with patterned dress crossing hands over eyes, right side of mural shows Jesus crucified on a cross-like tree, again with crow and spider web attached. Cool color background
  • [unknown]
    Woman hunching over on stool with head down, muted background with warm tones used for dress and basket.
  • Exodus: Third Ward Child
    Child with a house in the center of his chest and flowing clothes, piece is separated into two wood panels. Color scheme gray scale with warm tones in background
  • [unknown]
    geometric figures with huts and staircases, center bottom two snails. Warm tones, heavy use of brown. Slight damage at bottom of mural.
  • [unknown]
    on left when descending stairs - abstract landscape scene, seated figures atop stairs in background, birds and bat flying with phases of the moon in upper right corner, fish in lower right corner - warm tones, red and blue
  • [unknown]
    on right when descending stairs - Family scene, faceless, in front of home, holding hands and eating at table. Rich tones - no damage.
  • [unknown]
    faces bottom of staircase - landscape/desert scene with single tree placed in middle. Warm tones, yellow and blue. Some damage.
  • [unknown]
    Asian-inspired scene featuring large sun, pagoda to left, red pavilion, sailing ship and plan to right. Uses bright primary colors. Chips of paint and chunk of wall missing.
  • [unknown]
    fishing scene surrounded by figures looking on towards one another, upper-right corner white man overseeing, bleeding moon, on left there are several elderly figures in front of a spider web and more fish in the foreground. Dark blue and warm golden brown tones.
  • [unknown]
    Nature scene with Buddhist themes, with two divine figures in a temple under a tree. Another divine figure looks on from the sky in the upper left. Warm colors, heavy use of brown and blue. Slight damage.
  • [unknown]
    geometric style, blue background, birdlike-man and woman connected by tree branch, other branches are connected to angels blowing horns with a serpent wrapped around one branch. Appears to be an adaptation of the Garden of Eden story. Blue tones, Chunks of paint missing
  • [unknown]
    partially destroyed - road/landscape scene with mule wearing bridle. Beached boat in the background - perhaps a desert? Smoke pluming from grass on the left. Washed warm brown and yellow tones.
  • [unknown]
    scroll to the left, with the same text in both English and Spanish, hourglass and clock connected, male portrait with eyes closed and to the right an astronaut on a ladder in front of a rocket. Continues past door images of rocket and space scenes with futuristic/extraterrestrial figures, which transition to a warm cityscape. Next, the mural returns to space and shows a rear view of a mother and child in front of many planets and stars. Wide variety of subject material and colors.
  • Women
    depiction of many naked Black women in various stages of life, elements of symmetry employed, leaves and stars in background, turtle on bottom symbolizing old age and longevity. Mostly brown tones. Minor damage.
  • [unknown]
    Mushroom cloud in middle, dead figure on ground and another figure morphing out of it, moving trees to the left and sun to the right. Heavy use of red and yellow tones. Minimal damage.
  • [unknown]
    geometric style, man morphing into tree, birds, turtles and alligators included - warm brown tones
  • [unknown]
    Large blue woman chained at feet, idyllic African village on the left, slave trade in center, and modern US inner city on right with skyline - Neutral earth like tones.
  • [unknown]
    two panels depicting three roosters, a pail, and a chick surrounded by ornate and bright flowers and crown-like patterns. Uses warm tones. Minimal damage.