Hannah Hall 3rd Floor Murals

Item set

Hannah Hall 3rd Floor Murals
3rd floor, Hannah Hall, Texas Southern University


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  • [unknown]
    romance, trees/roots, blue and dark hues - damaged paint chipping (right when ascending stairs)
  • [unknown]
    creation, planets, Adam and Eve - damaged (interior above staircase doors)
  • [unknown]
    Gaston Micheaux, was a war veteran who was given the opportunity in his first year of study to paint a mural. Reflecting on the devastation of the most recent world war, three panels depict terror, hunger, and human compassion. A scared, Black woman with children evokes the mid-20th century atmosphere of threat to Black life in America.
  • [unknown]
    Egyptian theme - unfinished
  • [unknown]
    Taylor's mural captures a snapshot of Houston’s Third Ward in the mid-20th century. An ad for Big Mama Thornton’s Harlem Stars’ performance at City Auditorium indicates that Houston is the setting. The scene is a busy and varied one; people in various sorts of dress walk around, while children play in the streets and a derelict man sits by a tree.
  • [unknown]
    includes music, theater, nightlife, a washing line, church stained glass, dancing, farm/slavery - no damage
  • [unknown]
    abstract, includes cigarette, cocktail glass, eyeballs, an amorphous form (possibly uterus), syringes inscribed MVCII and Zafina B, blue green - no damage