Obtains massive size and different geographical features, Africa, produces a wealth of diverse natural resources including, valuable metals, minerals, stones, animals, fruits and vegetation. In antient times, such resources helped lead to the development of early civilizations or structured societies which were often ruled by opulent (rich) kings and queens. These life-size bronze heads portray 11th and 12th century kings and queens of Ife, Nigeria. Bronze heads like these serves as mounts for the display of royal riches and regalia during annual rites for the king.
This specific chain is used to punish enslaved persons who were disobedient to their master. The master would strike the slaves several times until he bled to death or thought that the punishment was enough.
Coretta Scott King was the wife Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She was an activist in her own right. She continued to work on Civil Rights and preserve her husband's legacy.
Original Iron Shackles used to chain enslaved people of Africa. Dual clasps cuffs affixed by iron chain. American Slave Chains. Made of solid iron with grappled or simple-twist locks, these chains were used to restrain the feet or ankles of slaves, allowing them to walk but preventing running or kicking. The leg irons are also known as fetters, shackles, or foot cuffs.
Resistance to slavery by African people developed almost as soon as the institution itself. Running away remained the number 1 problem for slave holders. Other forms of resistance on the part of Africans included legal petitions, educational pursuits, small and large scale rebellions, as well as other forms of protest. Slavery officially ended after the Civil War and the signing of the 13th amendment both occurring in 1865.
Original Iron Shackles used to chain enslaved people of Africa. Dual clasps cuffs affixed by iron chain. American Slave Chains. Made of solid iron with grappled or simple-twist locks, these chains were used to restrain the feet or ankles of slaves, allowing them to walk but preventing running or kicking. The leg irons are also known as fetters, shackles, or foot cuffs.
Original Iron Shackles used to enslave people of Africa. Single iron cuff attached by chain to oversized iron ball. This specific item was used to immobilize the slaves. A type of shackle, the ball and chain is designed so that the weight of the iron ball at the end of the short chain restricts and limits the pace.