violent fantasy scene with various monsters, fire and mountains in background - dark colors
Three scenes - far left man dressed in traditional African wear, middle scene, older man with geometric shapes in background and to right futuristic humanoid-robotic figures - Heavy contrast with bright yellow and white
kite/fish-shaped panel, woman’s face in the middle, behind her are vibrant and intricate patterns of yellow, pink, blue, and purple
themes of Islam in the US, depicts hilal, American flag, McDonald’s arches, women in hijabs - vibrant colors
abstract with one or two baby figures separated by a corkscrew shape - rich purple, and gold hues
unfinished farm scene, man bent over to work the land, wearing a sideways cap and a work shirt, house in background, train to right - earth tones and blue hues
abstract figure-8s - cool purple, blue, and brown tones
Kanye West (circa 808’s & Heartbreak) in front of a green pyramid, music notes on ribbon connecting silhouette-style angels and griffins - vibrant colors
abstract style, cool blue tones
multiple scenes depicting Black freedom struggle in US, includes slavery, military deaths, Statue of Liberty, protests, angels and the deceased in clouds at top of painting - cool blue sky background
Sunset Beach
Sunset over beach scene, two coconut trees, two birds, sunset reflected on water, panel shaped around painting - bright colors
The Way We Were
children playing near tree and water, gloomy landscape scene, trees swaying - green, yellow, and blue hues
baby with diaper on sitting on three books inscribed “How To Amistad,” surface made up of New York Times newspaper clippings including images of Malcolm X, Black athletics, background of American flag with baby grabbing a star, malnourished baby to right of main figure - red, blue and white
woman with natural hair seated in front of buildings in perspective style, “Rosie the Riveter” mural in background on one of the buildings, mask as puzzle piece with Superman logo - earth tones
woman laying in clear box located by entrance of house, overlooks landscape in background - warm tones
Relentless Fear
animated style monsters haunting a blue figure in the foreground, “ha ha” written in orange throughout piece, mostly dark colors
woman figure decorated in white patterns throughout body, head is covered by black and blue cone shape, pink background
front and profile portrait of Johnny Cash mug shot, beige tones with dripping paint style
Black woman sitting on bench in front of a brick wall, surrounded books, a key, a traffic cone, flowers, and a “Come In We’re Open” sign
four panels made up of two squares and two triangles, features four or five pained faces, lower panel shows a girl in blue holding her head, remaining faces are yellow, black background
bus scene with people sitting and standing - textured and featuring blue and orange tones
Black man holding a globe in one hand, and a cube of sorts (with a face on it) in the other, positioned in front of a blazing sun
silhouette of figure, hands raised
man sitting on bed with head down, cigarette in hand, man and female symbols framed in background wall, perspective painting, checkerboard pattern in background - warm brown and gray tones
side view of woman with closed eyes wearing wrap on head - cross hatching - black and white